Storable Marketplace Help

Self Storage Manager - Viewing Your Inventory in MySpareFoot


You've likely already learned how to view your inventory in Self Storage Manager, but what about in MySpareFoot? In this article, we'll show you how your inventory displays in MySpareFoot and go over what changes you can make vs. what changes must be made in your software.

Viewing Your Inventory

Below is a screenshot of Self Storage Manager inventory displaying in MySpareFoot. To get here, you'll login to your MySpareFoot account, click on "Features" and then "Units".


Here, you'll see several different columns:

  • Available: This column allows you to hide or unhide your units from showing on SpareFoot simply by checking or unchecking the check box. Keep in mind that we sync with Self Storage Manager for changes to your availability once per hour. So if you hide an available unit group in MySpareFoot, and it becomes unavailable in your software, it will show as available in MySpareFoot once it becomes available again in your software.
  • Units in Group: This column updates automatically once per hour based on the units available in your software. These numbers show for your internal reference only and customers will not be able to see or choose specific unit numbers. Though their reservation will be assigned a unit number in your software, this number is randomly assigned and they will not know what their unit number is until they move in.
  • Size: This column shows your unit "size" based on how you have set up your units in Self Storage Manger. You will be unable to add or change your unit sizes in MySpareFoot. To learn more, see our Self Storage Manager - Your Unit Information article.
  • Unit Type Code: IF you use the Unit Type Code field in your software, it will display here. While we do use this field to gain more information to your units, it is not necessary as we will also pull this information from your unit Type, Category and Description fields. To learn more, see our Self Storage Manager - Your Unit Information article.
  • Type: This column shows your unit "type" based on how you have set up your units in Self Storage Manger. Your inventory will display here as either a "Unit" or "Parking".
  • Amenities: This column shows the unit amenities you have listed in your software. You will be unable to add or change your unit amenities in MySpareFoot. To learn more, see our Self Storage Manager - Your Unit Information article.
  • SpareFoot Price: Your SpareFoot prices are the discounted prices you have listed as "Inventory Prices" in your software. You will be unable to add or change your SpareFoot price in MySpareFoot.To learn more, see our Self Storage Manger - Editing, Syncing and Deleting Promotions & Discounts article. 
  • List Price: Your list price is your normal rent rate as set in Self Storage Manager. You will be unable to add or change your list price in MySpareFoot. To learn more, see our Self Storage Manager - Your Unit Information article
  • Promo: If we automatically sync with your promotions, you will see those listed in this column as well as on your SpareFoot listing.You will be unable to add or change your sync'd promos in MySpareFoot. However, if you have manually added your promotions in MySpareFoot, then you will be able to add and edit those on the "Details" tab of your account. To learn more, see our Self Storage Manger - Editing, Syncing and Deleting Promotions & Discounts article.
  • Reservation Window: We do not pull in your reservation window from Self Storage Manager. This can be set manually from your MySpareFoot account by following the instructions listed in our Integrated Accounts: Setting Your Reservation Window article.
  • Quantity: This column shows how many units you have AVAILABLE - this will not show a total count of ALL of your inventory. This column updated once per hour based on your unit availability in your software.

Just to the left of these columns, you will also see an "Edit" and "View Details" button.


If we do NOT automatically sync in your promotions from Self Storage Manager, the "Edit" and "Detailed View" buttons will allow you to edit/remove promotions and SpareFoot prices on your SPECIFIC unit groups or INDIVIDUAL unit numbers. These buttons will also allow you to hide individual or groups of available units from showing on the SpareFoot network using the same logic as the "Available" column above.

HOWEVER, keep in mind that any other changes you make here will be overridden each hour when our system syncs with your software. If you need to make changes to your units such as unit pricing, features or sync'd promotions, be sure to make those changes in your software and we'll sync them in within the hour.

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