Storable Marketplace Help

How Do I Request Reviews?


Reviews are a great way to attract qualified tenants - in fact, storage-seeking customers on our network are 50% more likely to choose facilities with online reviews over those without.

The Review Request tool in your MySpareFoot portal offers a super easy way for you to email happy customers and invite them to leave a review of their experience. To get started, simply head to the Reviews section of your MySpareFoot portal and follow these simple instructions:

  • Step 1: Click the Request Reviews button in the upper righthand corner of the Reviews page.
  • Step 2: Select the name of the facility you'd like your customers to review from the drop-down menu in the upper left.
  • Step 3: Type the email addresses of your current and former tenants into the Get Reviews box, separating each new entry with a comma:
  • Step 4: Federal regulations stipulate that you may not email any customers that have opted out of receiving emails from you. As such, you must click the check box immediately beneath the field to confirm that none of the customers you've listed have explicitly said they do not wish to receive email from you.
  • Step 5: Once your list is correct, click the blue Send Requests button to fire off your emails. 

Success! Next, SpareFoot will email a review request (addressed from you) to your customers with the subject "[Your Facility] wants to know what you think!"


Note that SpareFoot will contact all customers included in the Email Addresses field, with a few exceptions.

We will not email:

  • SpareFoot customers who already reviewed your facility
    We can accept only one review per customer
  • SpareFoot customers scheduled to move into your facility in the last 30 days
    SpareFoot will have already requested a review from these individuals
  • SpareFoot facility clients like yourself
    Anyone associated with your facility is not eligible to leave a review on our site
  • Customers on our "do not email" list
    Federal regulations require that we don't email customers that have opted out of our emails
  • Invalid email addresses
    These will bounce back to SpareFoot as undeliverable

Remember, great reviews = more reservations, so using this free tool will help get your facility the most bang for your buck!