SpareFoot defines a user as any email address in our system - so you can configure users to log in to MySpareFoot and manage your account, or just to get email notifications from us.
First, navigate to your "User Management" in MySpareFoot
Need help logging into your MySpareFoot account? Check out this article for instructions.
What do the different permissions mean?
Here's a fairly typical configuration:
In the above example, the account has five users:
- One administrator, the owner of the three properties. The owner has access to MySpareFoot and to Statements & Reconciliation, but does not receive email notifications.
- Three managers, one for each facility. These managers receive email notifications and can log in to MySpareFoot. They cannot access Statements & Reconciliation.These are all limited access users.
- One district manager, who can access all facilities. This DM receives email notifications, can log in to MySpareFoot, and can access Statements & Reconciliation. This is a full-access user.
Here's what each of the five columns mean:
Administrator: Simply put, an administrator ("admin") is in charge of your SpareFoot account.
Facilities: Which facilities on your account does this user belong to? The rest of each user's permissions are dependent on what you select here. If you select "Gets reservation emails," the user will get emails only for the facilities you've selected. If you select "Can access MySpareFoot," the user will only see the facilities you've selected when they log in. To view or change the facilities associated with a user, just click "Edit" in the facilities column.
- If the "Administrator" checkbox is set to Yes, this will be set to All by default. This cannot be changed, as Administrators must have access to all facilities.
Reservation emails: SpareFoot sends facilities a handful of emails about people who have reserved your units. It's very important to make sure that at least one person receives reservation notifications, so that you know to hold units open for SpareFoot customers and can call them to confirm their reservation.
- This must be set to Yes to receive notifications from SpareFoot about new reviews that have been posted to your listing.
Inquiry emails: A daily update about customers who have inquired about your facility on SpareFoot, but haven't yet reserved a unit.
Can access MySpareFoot: There's a lot you can do in MySpareFoot! Users with this permission checked can log in to MySpareFoot to keep your facility's listing (unit availability, prices, hours, etc.) current. For a full list of what's possible in MySpareFoot, check out this article.
- If you read this article (about MySpareFoot "Access Levels"), you might be curious how these relate. If a user is not an administrator but they do have access to MySpareFoot, they are either "limited access" (if they have permission to access some, but not all of your facilities) or "full access" (if they have access to all of your facilities).
Statements & Reconciliation: Remember, statements and reconciliation determine what you're charged each month by SpareFoot. Be sure to give the right people access, as these are the only people who (1) will receive reminder emails from SpareFoot when it's time to reconcile and (2) will have access to view and edit your SpareFoot statement when they log in to MySpareFoot.
- This permission requires that you select Yes for "Can access MySpareFoot." Since statements live in MySpareFoot, statement users must also be able to log in.
- If the "Administrator" checkbox is set to Yes, this will already be set by default. This cannot be changed, as Administrators must have access to statements.
Adding a user:
Adding a user to your account is super easy! Just click the + Add New User button in the right-hand side of the page:
Once you're there, you'll see a screen asking you for some basic information about this user:
You'll need to provide the following information for the user:
- Email address
- First & last Name
- Permissions (see above)
- Password
- NOTE: This is only required if you check the box for "Can access MySpareFoot."
- If you check the "Notify New User Via Email?" box, the new user will get an email from you with the password you've set.
Editing a user:
Do you need to make a change to a user's email address or name? Just hover over the contact that you need to edit and you will see a pencil icon appear.
Click on the pencil and you will be able to edit the user's email address and name. Don't forget to click save when you're done making changes!
Removing a user:
Do you need to delete a user from your account? Just click the trash can icon to the far right for the user that you would like to remove.
Remember, your payment contacts are configured differently. If you have a staffing change and need to change up your email recipients, be sure to take a look at this article and make any changes you need to your payment contacts.