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If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

QuikStor - Integration Instructions


About The Integration

The following steps will walk you through the process of syncing up your QuikStor Express with SpareFoot.

SpareFoot can only integrate with QuikStor customers who have QuikStor's eCommerce package, meaning your software is enabled for online reservations and payments. If you have any questions about your QuikStor package, please contact QuikStor.

With this free integration, you'll enjoy:

  • Real-time prices and availability. We'll sync with QuikStor each hour and only display available units at your current rates.
  • Integrated reservations. You'll find SpareFoot reservations right in your QuikStor homepage.

Integration Steps

The integration is performed by creating a username and password for SpareFoot via QuikStor's partner management.

1. Click the QuikStor icon in the upper left, then select Internet Setup.

2. Select Partner Integrations. Click the PLUS button to add a new user integration. 
3. Enter a Partner Title. This title is important because this is the name that will show on any reports having to do with online transactions, such as the Online Rentals & Reservations (O-R-R) report. 

4. The username must be: "sprfoot." The user access level is predefined as "Guest."

5. You can assign any password you desire, but it must be between five to ten characters.

If you have multiple facilities:

  • They must all have the same password.
  • Once you've added the username to your first facility, you'll see it as an option in the users list for all subsequent facilities. You should select the existing user and add it for subsequent facilities. This way your reports will all show one SpareFoot source for all facilities.


Submit a ticket to SpareFoot and provide us with the password you created. We'll be in touch once the integration is complete!