What is the SiteLink integration?
SpareFoot values your time and we understand the daily management and marketing of your facility requires a ton of it! That's why we've partnered with SiteLink to build a seamless integration between your storage management software and SpareFoot—allowing you to get the most out of your SpareFoot account without spending the additional time. Our integrated solution makes self storage management easier and will bring you time-saving value.
How does it work?
SiteLink’s software includes a data feed (API) that allows your software to communicate with SpareFoot's platform—ensuring accurate prices and availability on your SpareFoot listing.
What are the benefits?
- Save valuable time: Our integration imports your price, availability and promotion information directly.
- Always accurate: Eliminate discrepancies between your software and SpareFoot—your SpareFoot listing will automatically reflect any price or availability updates you make in your management software.
- Improve lead tracking: Easily track your leads and manage relationships throughout the tenant lifecycle.
- Get more tenants: SiteLink-integrated facilities see up to 20% better lead conversion that those without integrated software.
- No-hassle billing: Don’t worry about manually confirming SpareFoot move-ins every month. You’re billed only for tenants who moved in.
How do I get integrated?
SpareFoot provides step-by-step integration instructions, as well as dedicated assistance from an implementation specialist to guide you through the integration process. If you're interested in integrating your SiteLink Web Edition software with your SpareFoot account, just send us an email at support@sparefoot.com and we'll be happy to help!
Integration Requirements
- Requires SiteLink’s web-based platform (SiteLink Web Edition)
- Requires creation of SpareFoot dedicated credentials in SiteLink Corporate Control Center
- SpareFoot set up to receive access to all 4 API channels
- Each facility must have its own location code