Storable Marketplace Help

If your facility is affected by the Greater Los Angeles wildfires, we've put together a resource to help you manage your Storable Settings during this time. If you need additional help, please call us at 888.403.0665. Stay safe!

How SpareFoot Can Help Your Tenants Move-In Online (SiteLink & storEDGE Users Only)


Offering your tenants the option to complete their move-in online gives you the ability to facilitate more move-ins without the need to have in-person contact with your tenants. If your SpareFoot account is integrated with either storEDGE or SiteLink Web Edition, you can link directly to your online move-in experience from your facility listing page on and the customer’s SpareFoot reservation confirmation page. This makes the contactless move-in process even easier for you and your customers.


Customer Experience

If you have opted into marketplace online move-ins, customers will see a banner on your listing in SpareFoot search results highlighting the option to move in online.


When the customer clicks on your listing and selects a unit from your facility listing page, they will see the option to rent or reserve.


If the customer clicks Rent Now, they will enter their contact information and receive a confirmation that they placed a SpareFoot reservation. Then, they will be redirected to your online rental form to complete their move-in and payment. 

If a customer chooses to place a reservation instead of renting now or clicks Rent Now but does not complete your online rental form, they can still move in online later from their move-in confirmation page or confirmation email by clicking Sign lease & Save Time Later.

Reservation confirmation page the customer will see after placing a reservation:


Reservation confirmation email:



How do I opt into Online Move-ins?

Important: Before you can offer online move-ins through the marketplace, you must first enable online move-ins in your software. Check out our articles to enable online move-ins from either SiteLink and storEDGE. 

Follow the steps below to opt into Online Move-Ins or make changes to which facilities on your account use Online Move-Ins.

1. Log into your MySpareFoot account and navigate to the Move-Ins page.


2. Select the Online Move-Ins tab.


3. Use the check boxes to select facilities that should be included in the Online Move-In experience. 

4. Click Update Facilities when you are done making changes. 



Please be sure to check that your Admin fee is correctly entered in the Details section of MySpareFoot so that the fee shown to customers matches the fee in your software.